So me and Ursie over at Art Seen Asheville have a question. How do you track who visits your blog? How to you see where they came from, where they are going, what they searched for, and other such creepy surveillance information? We would like to creepily monitor our blogs, too. Please and thank you.
my life in cake
thats what I use, it's free and easy to use, and probably has some advanced features for those with money, if you really feel like getting your big brother on.
we use sitemeter at blogasheville; you can see it on the bottom of the page on the sidebar, click it!
If you're interested in a huge number of stats but not necessarily the actual who (with maps and cool graphs and such) then the free google-analytics is great:
i also use sitemeter - it's free, easy, and works great!
Alternative - Google Analytics.
I use sitemeter, statcounter and the stats that come with wordpress which is a bastardized version of google can get the creepiest info (for free---I don't pay for anything) from statcounter...
you can put in people's IP's and label them and see exactly where they go and what posts they read...
as far as I know you can't do that with the others...
thanks yall! I'll get right on it.
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