Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Wrap-Up?

Did we really do an Extravablogiversapaloozathon wrap-up? Before we get too far back into business as usual, let's officially wrap up:

Asheville is a hell of a town.
BlogAsheville is about making friends and connections with some of the most interesting people around.
It is also about having fun.
We, the bloggers of Asheville, raised $1000 this weekend for people who need help.
We will do it again.
We had fun doing it.
And we got the Red Bull table back.

Now that we're done eating, drinking and EcoTripping around town,
now that we've assimilated our new friends and connections into Twitter and Facebook and blogrolls,
here's a few memories of the night to help you remember how lucky we are.

To Loyal Readers of Ashvegas, a Sincere Thank-You
When I started blogging more than three years ago, I had no idea how it would open up my life. I've become even more engaged with my community, I've met some amazing, amazing people, and I've learned a new way of communicating. I've made mistakes. I've pissed off John Boyle. And I've found a passionate community that continues to inspire me.

Revenge of the Word Nerd
It's a beautiful fall day. Therefore, I should be on a long bike ride or a hike at some secluded trail off the Blue Ridge Parkway. But alas, here I am at home recovering from a spectacular Saturday evening. Not recovering in the hangover sense, but recovering in an overload-of-the-fabulousness-that-is-Asheville sense.

See you next year, y'all.