The unwieldy creative behemoth that is BlogAsheville comes together in the Courtyard between Lexington Ave. and Carolina Lane to laugh, drink, eat, and celebrate our third year of blogtastic proliferation. BlogAsheville admin (who's been nominated for Biggest Slacker award) is putting up another Welcome post tomorrow that will put us at over 140 regularly updated blogs in our mighty mountain metropolis. I'm so thrilled to be a part of this dynamic, loving community of people who have supported each other since our very first get together back in June, 2005, and I can't wait to see you all again.
There's mommies and zymurgists, photogs and diarists, politicos and crafters, foodies and freaks. BlogAsheville is an astoundingly eclectic mix of online creative minds that has become a larger and larger part of our local media and culture. So many folks are excited about us this year that blogophiles from all over town have decided to help us throw the party of the season.
Extravablogiversapaloozathon 2008 will have food from Laurey's Catering, The Colorful Palate, and Short Street Cakes, thanks to Laurey, Jodi, Clark Mackey from Sparkdog, and Jose Ibarra from Applied Solutions. Eric from Inside Design is picking up a couple of kegs of Highlands' best. Top Floor Studios got us the venue and will display DILOA in their, er, studio. Carlos from Asheville Courtyard Gallery got us an ABC permit and is having an Mail Art opening to coincide with our fete. Ecotrips will be running shuttles as well as helping out with the food. The Media Arts Project is kicking down some technical expertise. DJ Swiftboat will be alternately massaging and pummeling your understimulated ears. Our super secret live musical guests will make this year's Extrava dance party central.
With all of this largesse being thrown at our debaucherous feet it seemed only right to make sure that we turn that wealth to a good cause. AHOPE is a Housing First homeless shelter/program here in Asheville that's part of Homeward Bound. They're serving food to over two hundred people a day while offering storage, laundry, mail service, literacy programs, case management, and their housing program that's put over a hundred homeless people into permanent housing over the last 12 months. In short, these folks are doing incredible work on a ridiculously small budget. They are compassion in action.
So BlogAsheville's Extravablogiversapaloozathon 2008 is also a benefit for AHOPE. Bring at least $10 to give at the door, though we encourage everyone to give as much as they can. We're hoping to raise $1,500, which will help support all of those programs I listed above.
The bacchanal begins at 6pm, and the annual BlogAsheville Awards will take place at 8pm sharp. There's been a big response to calls for nominations, and the voting will begin next weekend. As is the tradition, if you won an award last year, bring a prize (or two!) this year to give to another winner. If you're Felicity, you must bring the Blogger's Staff Of Power to pass on to whoever wins Best Overall 2008.
It's a big party, y'all! All of you bloggers will be getting email invitations before too long. Bring your friends and family. We'll also invite all those sponsors and as many online artists as we can find.
Extravablogiversapaloozathon 2008 is as sprawling and multifaceted as our bloggy family. Come early, stay late, dress for bootyshaking, support AHOPE, celebrate our blogdom, and get wild.
You mean DJ Swiftboat... :)
Everyone is invited to use the graphic from Gordon's post on their own blogs.
Different sizes here:
Please credit local photographer Frank Merenda -- the image is from his excellent 2008 Bele Chere Flickr stream:
need a The Colorful Palate button! for sponsor section
Just a quick question....how do you get your blog listed in the blogroll?
mine is http://aneclecticpagan.wordpress.com
usually folks, email us with request but comment requests work just as well!
ill get you added soon!
special thanks to jim jenkins for the extrablogasidebarphotoshopathan help!
thanks for adding me! I love checking out the list and finding new blogs to read
Is anyone going to be hanging still at 2:00 am when I get back from my gig in Charlotte? Come on, you know you stay up that late blogging sometimes! Ami aka Ukulele Rockstar
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