It's that time again kids! So, do your do, pull out your finery and come on out for our biggest, brashest, bawdiest, blogfest yet. Click comment(s) below and let us know that you and yours plan to join with the rest of the ultra-creative local blogarati as we rock the Appalachians.

It has been brought to my attention that while creating graphics and promotional materials over the past three years supporting BlogAsheville's annual extravablogiversapaloozathon, that I have used two different spellings for the name of the event. While it's true that some of the ads use the more traditional blogi and others use the bloga alternate, this is simply representative of the evolving nature of language. According to the most recent complete Oxford English Dictionary, extravablogiversaloozathon was indeed the original spelling but extravablogaversapaloozathon came into common usage at nearly the same time and is listed as a common and perfectly acceptable alternate spelling. So there!
I'm coming.
Frank & I will be there with bells on.
I'll be there. Thanks for the invite.
Yow! We are so there.
here, there, yonder!
that image is the rawk!
Thanks for the invite, I'll try to make it!
I'm in!
I need to hand the Staff of Power to some trusted intermediary because I honestly cannot promise to be there. I'm moving that weekend among other crazy responsibilities and I think the possibility that I'm going to just collapse that evening on some heap of boxes and whimper is too great to risk the Staff of Power. So, who wants to hold it until the 27th? Gordon? Let me know.
I'll be there. Thanks for the invitation!
Be there I shall.
Yap Ich werde euch all dort sehen :-)
This is Laura over at A Girl Who Wears Glasses and I'm going to try to make it!
holler if you need help moving...
RSVP'ing for vegangirl and foodscout. Thanks for the invitation. Looking forward to it!
I'll be there with Scott Furr (he's going to run your projector for you!)
I'll be there
will do my damndest to come...with husband who is also a blogger...
My health is iffy these days and I am not able to make commitments in advance...
but really really want to be there!!
we went to a Drinking Liberally once and found no one...Gordon are you usually there?
I'll be there.
I'll be there... hhhmm... maybe I'll bring a date!
count me in... with a probable plus one.
wish i still worked in our asheville office! i don't know yet if i'll be able to go up there that weekend, as i just drove up there this past weekend. i'll be there if i can!
I'll be there - are we still doing that if you won something last year you donate a prize for this year?
That's right, George.
Bummer. We have an out-of-town wedding that day. Sorry we can't attend!
yeah doggies. thanks for arranging, see you there.
See you there.
Fliss, shout for moving help, kay?
wouldn't miss it for the world.
We will be out of town that weekend. So sorry we will be missing this event. I hope you all have a great time!
Is this a kid-friendly event?
There will be beer and foul language. There will be rambunctious behavior.
So I guess it depends on your kid!
He's one year old. Never too young to learn!!!
Try to be there.
Thanks for the invitation.
Will do my best to be there. Gordon, thanks for tracking me down -- I've been out of the loop.
See you there.
If the Beer Gods allow, I will be there.
Thanks for the invite. Since I just had baby #4, 21 weeks ago I will try my best to make it.
I am new to BlogAsheville and would love to put some faces to blogs!
I saw that Rich asked if it would be a kid friendly event....I don't think I'd have to worry about the baby grabbing a beer and cussing like a sailor, just yet.
Michelle :)
Even I get to go! All it took was a hefty beer bribe!
what does rsvp mean?
well whatever it means, I'm doing it right now.
r(épondez) s('il) v(ous) p(laǐt)
french...please respond....
Thank you for the invite. I wish I could go. Although I blog about Asheville and lived there most of my life, I now live in Raleigh.
I hope that these meetups are more frequent though, as I would like to attend one.
John Morris
Goodnight, Asheville!
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