Best Craft Blog

Most Likely To Make Money By Blogging
My Life In Cake

Least Likely to Make Money By Blogging
So Much For Tact

Blogger I'd Most Like to Have a Beer With
My Life In Cake

Least Likely to Care About Traffic
Hillbilly White Trash

Most Likely to Make You Laugh Out Loud
The Hangover Journals

Best Art/Photos

Best Food Blog
My Life In Cake

Blogger You'd Most Like To See Naked
A Girl Who Wears Glasses

Biggest Slacker - TIE
So Much For Tact and UNC Student

Best Design
Scrutiny Hooligans

Best Local Happenings

Best Political
Scrutiny Hooligans

Best Blog Beginning With the Word "The"
The Hangover Journals

Makes Me Feel Happiest
My Life In Cake

Most Inspirational
Beyond Meds

Most In Need Of a Redesign
Thunder Pig

Most Likely To Have New Material

Best New Blog
A Husband Wanted

Most Deserving of Wider Recognition
Kelby Carr

Best Writing
Edgy Mama

Best Overall
Uptown Edit: added mini-buttons to the award post. Award winners you can find larger size pictures of these sidebar buttons at Jennifer Saylor's Flickr page! Btw, please welcome Saylor, the newest member of the BlogAsheville Admin team.
Gianna Kali has her wrapup here
Jennifer Saylor has her wrapup here
Blog buttons for all the nominees are here:
I'll be sending our winners their buttons shortly. Congrats to all!
Thanks to all!!
And I have two partially full kegs on my front porch. Please come by with growlers, pitchers, whatever, and take some Gaelic or Scotch Ale--or both.
And thank you for voting me "Best Writing." Touched my heart.
good fun!
A wonderful palooza. Good job ya'll.
You guys just fail to recognize my "superior design" and are jealous.
Very cool! Thanks so much! I wish I could have been at the party, though. Life of a mom who can't find a @!*&(!* babysitter. Edgy Mama, who do YOU use?
I guard the identities of my sitters.
Actually, we have someone who loves to hang with our kids, but she has a real job and can only work the occasional weekend. I book her weeks in advance!
Arratik has his wrapup here
Here's my short and sweet (har har) wrapup, wherein I apologize for apologizing for winning 4 awards. I love yall.
ps. anybody have pictures of the cake? I forgot to take one...
Helen and i had a great time - and met many new bloggers and had only a short time with old friends... partly because we got there late, but it was WONDERFUL and i thank Gordon, Jennifer, Ann and everyone for making it a real hoot!
Thanks to all who voted - even those who voted for me! :)
Thanks to all you hard working organizers - I had a fantastic time!
Also, as I was handed the jacket I was given as a prize for the "Blogger You'd Most Like To See Naked" Edgy Mama told me it was to cover up my nudity with. When I got home, I noticed that jacket had a broken zipper. Sly, Blog Asheville, so sly.
Yeah, you'uns know how to party. Scarily. I'm glad I'm not the only one who woke up wondering if my body had been snatched. Great party, great people, great time. A lurker like me could get used to hangin' with you intellectuals, you slackers, you folks who care about the world and aren't shy about forcing it on the rest of us. Y'all are every bit as ridiculous as I'd hoped.
There's a picture of the cake over at Chasing The Bread Truck.
i have pic of the cake, too! and you decorating it.
thanks for all the bloggedy love. i love this group, and it has been wonderful to watch it grow.
Gordon and Jennifer, thank you so, so much for all the hard work you put into this event. you're the best.
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