Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Shutterbug Saturday

Calling all you flickrites - don't forget the meet-up at 4 p.m. Saturday at Asheville Brewing on Coxe Avenue. Just a laidback time to get together, drink some beer and talk a little photography. As you'll recall, we're going to pick a day in April to shoot a Day in the Life of Ashvegas.

See you there.


1000 black lines said...

what's the link to the asheville flikrites?

ash said...

mulder, go here (i can't make the link work, but here's the url):

mygothlaundry said...

I cross posted the announcement to some other flickr groups, too, Ash.

ash said...

thanks, girl!

1000 black lines said...

thanks ash... I have an old skool flikr account. may I join the dilo?

ash said...
