Thursday, February 15, 2007

Dr. Bloggy McBadass Makes the Scene

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Dr. Errington Thompson, trauma surgeon, author, radio host, blogger, activist, and all-around stand-up guy, got a mention on the front page of Daily Kos,
"While on the book tour in Asheville, NC (one of the most beautiful corners of this country), I had the pleasure of hanging out with Errington Thompson and doing his radio show. It was meeting people like him that made the grueling three-month tour enjoyable"

The mention links to an extensive bio and interview in the AC-T. Excerpts:
"Job responsibilities: A trauma surgeon helps direct the care of a critically injured trauma patient.

As a talk show host, I try to present the important political issues of the day in a fun and entertaining manner.

Description of your organization: As a trauma surgeon, I work in an extraordinary medical center with outstanding physicians, nurses, respiratory therapists, physical therapists, occupational therapists and other health professionals who all work together to care for the injured patient. …

As a talk show host, I have two wonderful producers who work hard to try to get me to sound professional — Agnes Cheek and Rodrigo Schiffino. My administrative assistant, Linda, works hard to try to find local and national guests for the show. There are several other people who make my show possible, including my wife, Karen. "
"Bookmarked Web site(s) include: Center for American Progress, DailyKos, Crooks and Liars, and The Nation.

Favorite place to do lunch: Unfortunately, I eat on the run.

Currently in your CD player: Art Blakey, “Night in Tunisia”; Miles Davis, “Kind of Blue”; Fourplay, “X.”
"What you do to unwind and de-stress: I listen to music. I talk with my wife. I play video games … . Finally, I love to talk, chat and gel with my old friends from college, high school and medical school."

It was great seeing your name at Kos, Errington. You're one of Asheville's shining adopted sons!

Everyone ought to check out his blog - Where's The Outrage?

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