Monday, July 31, 2006

BlogAsheville Welcomes The Metas PARTY

I am delighted to announce that about 10 bloggers from Metafilter and Metachat, two very cool online communities/group blogs of which Moonbird and I are longterm members, are going to be visiting our fair city this weekend. To welcome them to AsheVegas, we're throwing a party in my groovin' West Asheville backyard. Grills will be going, music will be playing, beer will be drunk and YOU are invited. Friday, August 4, festivities will get going around 6:30 and continue on. Join us! Email flissDOTvertATgmailDOTcom for directions if you haven't been over here before. Yeah! Big fun! New people! Be here!


Edgy Mama said...

I'll be out of town. Again! Dammit.

Have fun!

modpez said...

most of me will be there.