This go-round I've learned that Council will take up the following (excerpted):
Public Hearings
- Resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement with the N.C. Dept. of Transportation to install ADA compliant ramps in conjunction with the Haywood Road resurfacing project.
- Resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute an Addendum to the Memorandum of Understanding with the U.S. Dept. of Housing & Urban Development for enforcement of fair housing by the Asheville-Buncombe Fair Housing Commission.
- Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement with Orion Bus Industries Inc. for the purchase of buses.
New Business
A. Ordinance to increase taxicab fares.
B. Resolution amending the Fees & Charges Manual to delete the fee for taxicab inspections.
C. Wireless Internet Network Service for Asheville City.
Click Here to see this week's agenda via the Asheville City Government site.
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1 comment:
Screwy, you give such good graphic. Thanks for the info!
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