Mountain Xpress is doing a piece on the Asheville blogosphere, and the writer is meeting tonight with bloggers who'd like to participate in the interview. It's a great chance to showcase the excellent work we're doing. Or you can just have a beer and pimp your blog.
You can contact Uptown Ruler to RSVP, or you can just show up -
Wednesday Night, August 3 at 8 pm
Brewing Company on Coxe Avenue
BlogAsheville represent!
i don't think we'll be able to make it - we're going to have contractors working on our bathroom into this evening. i might be able to swing by for a little bit, but i can't guarantee it.
I'll try to pop by. It's my writing night, so I'll have to rip myself away from my computer.
P.S. CUTE cartoon.
I hope to see you there, e.m.
the contractor didn't end up finishing last night until around 10:00. the good news is that we'll actually be able to use the shower tomorrow.
how'd it go?
I left The Brewing Company around 11PM and Modpez and DEMbloggers were still talking. I thought the evening was a blast but the writer from the Mountain Xpress seemed a bit overwhelmed by it all.
it'll be interesting to read what he comes up with. hopefully it'll be favorable.
Sounds great...can't wait to see the article. I bet the Xpress will do an outstanding job. Citizen Times did a story on Bloggers in May 2003, and they interviewed me as well as a few other local bloggers. It turned out very nice and was a fun experience.
Hope everyone is having a beautiful day....
Lots of fun! Somehow I walked out without paying. I called the Mt. Xpress guy and he said that everyone settled up separately. So I'm assuming I owe $ to The Brewing Company? If someone else paid for my beers, thank you, and let me know, so I can reimburse you!
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