Sunday, July 24, 2005

Hello, My Name is George Peterson

... and apparently, I'm a blogaholic.

BlogAsheville will be counted as the 4th website I write for, the other three being my own, DirtyGreek.Org, StringCans, a web magazine based also out of NC, and Radical Noesis, a forum based around environmental sustainability and energy concerns, among other things.

Now I've been invited to write for BlogAsheville, so I thought I'd say hi and tell you that though I'm excited about the prospect, blogging will probably be light. On top of writing for (now) four websites, I also work full time and am working on my Master's in Liberal Studies at UNCG.

Also, I live in Winston Salem and work in Greensboro, but I "claim" Asheville, having been raised there and graduated from A.C. Reynolds in '99. I hope to move back there soon. Shout outs to anyone reading this who knows me.

Most of my posts will likely bring some environmental and political radicalness into the mix, which I'm sure won't be anything new for those of you who live in AsheVegas. Hope you all enjoy my posts, and feel free to contact me any time (george at dirtygreek dot org).



Gordon Smith said...

Welcome George!

Admin said...

woot, welcome aboard, you can be our ex-pat!