Thursday, July 28, 2005

Asheville Blogger Meetup

Image Hosted by{I'm moving this back to the top of the page, so no one misses it}

We just can't wait until August 20th, what with all this popular demand, so Asheville Bloggers will gather on Friday night in West Asheville, far from the madding crowds of Bele Chere. Uptown Ruler has rightly suggested Tomato Cosina Latina (he posted a restaurant review here) at 7pm for dinner, drinks, and bloggy goodness. There's no wireless there, so leave your laptops at home. We'll have the next one at a WiFi hotspot once the BeleCherenado finishes twisting.

Tomato Cosina Latina
South American Fusion Cuisine
1455 Patton Avenue
Asheville, North Carolina

Mapquest map here.

For those of you who attended the last gathering, I look forward to seeing you again. And to all of you who I've only lately discovered, I can't wait to meet you.

p.s. we're trying to get an email list together. drop a line to uptown ruler at blogashevilleAThotmailDOTcom. thanks.


Edgy Mama said...

Can I bring Enviro-spouse? He's not a blogger, but he a nerdy computer guy.

Gordon Smith said...

Absolutely. Mrs. Hoolie may be coming as well. We're building community, so the more the merrier.

Admin said...

ill defintely try to be there, as might mrs. uptown, but we got that yard sale at the buttcrack of dawn the next day, so we'll just have to see...

Gordon Smith said...

I'm happy to come help you get ready for it if it means you two will be able to come.

Ask and ye shall receive.

arratik said...

we'll be there.

1000 black lines said...

I'm planning on attending as well.

George Peterson said...

I'd love to go, but I won't be in town until later on. Hey, if anyone wants to get up with me though, drop me an email and I'll give you my cell #. Love to meet some of you guys this weekend while I'm in Ashe Vegas.
