Monday, July 27, 2009

Tour of Asheville's Edible Parks, 9-3 Sat.

From a press release :

Professor Barkslip's Tour of Asheville's Three Edible Parks
Saturday, August 1st 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Professor T. Bud Barkslip will be leading a tour of the 3 edible parks in town:
The Flint-Magnolia Park in Montford
The Montford Rec Center
Stephens-Lee Edible Park

The parks are looking good for the most part because of a few diligent volunteers, but it could use a boost from our greater community. Come learn about tiger swallowtails and paw paw trees, plant a butterfly garden that will support them, and eat the Asian pears, early summer apples, mulberries, and cornelian cherries that are ready and delicious. It's high summer and high time to celebrate the truly fine things in life like good food from the Earth and friends and community!

Working tour begins at the park located at the corner of Flint and Magnolia streets in Montford at 9:00 sharp. We will go to the Montford rec center around 10:00 until around 12:00 located at the corner of Chestnut and Pearson st. in Montford, and then over to Stephens-Lee rec center to have lunch and enjoy the park there. If you have any questions or ideas please contact me by phone @ 713 2424.

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