Thursday, March 12, 2009

Wish List for Asheville's Homeless Animals

I'm turning my upcoming 40th birthday celebration this weekend into a drive for donations for the Animal Compassion Network, a local no-kill animal rescue organization that's found homes for thousands of homeless WNC cats and dogs. If you have any of the following items from ACN's wish list to donate, bring them by my party on Sunday, March 15 between 6 and 9 p.m. (And get some cake, too.)

I can also pick up donations, or you can drop off donated items at ACN's pet store, Pet Harmony, at 803 Fairview St.

Get directions to the party (it's downtown) or arrange donation pickup by emailing me at jennifer(dot)freelance (at) gmail daht cahm.

ACN needs help. The economy is hard on animals too, as rescuers and nonprofits run out of cash, while more and more people can't afford to keep their pets. Here's their wish list:

We Especially Need Scoopable Kitty Litter!

Straw for our Doghouse Program

Money for medical care and supplies

Tents/canopies, tent sides

Dog beds

Dog houses

Chain-link kennels

Cat and dog food

Dog and cat toys

Collars and leashes

Fencing materials

Storage services

Long-distance calling cards

Copier services

Grooming services

Mother's Replacement Milk (puppies and kittens)

Money (for the Betty Fund)

Collapsible wire crates (all sizes)

Puppy pens

Cat carriers

Cat litter

Food and water bowls

Blankets and towels

Cedar for bedding


Veterinary services

Stamps (1st class postage and higher)

Kenneling services

Office supplies

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