Wednesday, February 14, 2007

BlogAsheville: Our Time Of The Month

Did that come out right?

BlogAsheville gathers together again in the warm bosom of downtown Asheville's Joli Rouge. Saturday, Feb. 17, 7pm until Ash runs out of money.

All Asheville area bloggers and their people are welcome. See you there!


ash said...

hell yeah!

Unknown said...
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1000 black lines said...

It's the same night as the Lucy Kaplansky gig at The Grey Eagle. Is there any live music at the JR?

Edgy Mama said...

No one is allowed to buy me tequila shots this time, kay?

Yes, DILO. Then nap. Then Jolie!

Gordon Smith said...

Here's a link to Joli Rouge's MySpace page...

Gordon Smith said...

No music at Joli Rouge Saturday, but those who want to late night can surely work something out afterwards.