Anne Walch emailed us this:
"This Wed. January 18th at 5:30pm a public forum is being held by the Buncombe County Board of Elections to discuss our county's voting system options.
It will be held at the Buncombe County Courthouse in downtown Asheville on College St. in the County Commissioners Chambers."
Thanks for the heads-up, Anne.
Tell your Representative and Senators to pass a SIMPLE 80% coverage prescription drug benefit under Medicare Part B and repeal the faulty Republican prescription drug discount passed in 2003.
Send your message from here.
Tell your Representative and Senators to pass a comprehensive progressive agenda or we will boycott a group of well known Republican campaign contributors and lobbyists.
Send your message from here.
Tell your Representative and Senators to increase the minimum wage to $10 an hour and to extend unemployment insurance to a year and more.
Send your message from here.
Tell your senators to vote against the confirmation of Alito.
Send your message from here.
Tell your Representative and Senators to end the war in Iraq.
Send your message from here.
Tell your Representative and Senators to enact U.S. vote by mail with paper ballots counted by civil servants.
Send your message from here.
That's a lot of activistspammin' all at once.
Learn some hyperlinking, yo.
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