Monday, December 26, 2005

What's Up, Bloggers?

1. Christmas Eve - Huge Lasagna, wine, nog, family at the Weaverville compound.

2. Christmas Morning - Coffee, netsurfing, jazz

3. Christmas Morning - Arrival of the soon-to-be-irreparably-spoiled young'un, presents opening, more coffee, fun around the tree

4. Christmas Morning - Quiches

5. Christmas Afternoon - Bocce Ball, Football, nog, beer

6. Christmas Night - a home-made dinner that couldn't be beat, King Kong at the Carmike, 15 holes of Urban disc golf on the deserted streets of downtown Asheville.

7. Boxing Day - Lolling, reading, sleeping, blogging.



Edgy Mama said...

I want YOUR Christmas night, Screwy.

A bit of my Christmas is on my blog--know that today was a tremendous improvement over yesterday.

Back to the slog tomorrow?

Gordon Smith said...

I read about poor pukey Espouse. Give him a ginger ale for me would you?

Me and Mrs. Hoolie are taking the whole week off. Lots of lolling. Lots of relaxing.

modpez said...

i took christmas day off. in fact i took the whole shopping season off. still relaxing, still recording, still puttering.

waz said...

Glad to see someone else tossin disc's over the holiday. Its a good holiday tradition, Richmond Hill course was pretty empty over the w/e, very nice...