Friday, December 30, 2005

Gearing Up For '06


Jim Jenkins said...

"In a just universe, cleaning up two instances of dog vomit in two days ought to be enough to get a pass from housecleaning for all of 2006."

Turn that into a campaign promise and you sure as hell have my vote :)

mygothlaundry said...

Gaaaaaaaaaaah!! Um, I'm against crime? How could you actually do this, you fiends? Don't you know there's a commandment from god against listening the half mad ravings of drunken lunatics at Jack?

Jeff Davis said...

Ah, Felicity're getting sleepy, really sleepy, that's right, just relax, you're getting very very sleepy ... Good. Now, when you wake up, you'll really want to be Sheriff of Buncombe County. Remember, Crime is bad. On with the campaign!

arratik said...

heh heh heh...

modpez said...

it's a tough job but somebody has to do it.

Edgy Mama said...

Fricking brilliant! I can't wait to say, "I was there when..."

Gordon Smith said...


When do we get to arrest Bobby Medford?

I can't wait for the debates...I'll start rounding up some goons.